Vulnerability Management
Generates a list of the most immediately-identifiable computer vulnerabilities then mitigates them by prioritising and structuring corrective actions.
Generates a list of the most immediately-identifiable vulnerabilities then mitigates them by prioritising and structuring corrective actions.
This serves to determine and control the components that comprise an information security management system – only then is it possible to determine what needs to be protected and how.
Complete Mapping of Potential Misconfigurations or Vulnerabilities, Both External and Internal, Within Corporate Networks to Enable Proactive Perimeter Defense and Effectively Maintain Attack Resilience
We scan and analyse system vulnerabilities such as low levels of active protection, outdated software and unauthorised devices that may expose your company’s information system to breach risks.
Footprint Analysis
Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che
Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente
Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente
Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente
MovimentoLaterale Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente
Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente
Penetration Test
ProntoCyber® ensures appropriate assessment, validation, and conterstualization of any critical issues that may be present, as measured by the technologies in use and the Client's operational needs
Security vulnerabilities can allow hackers to gain access to IT systems and applications, so it is essential to identify and fix any vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
In order to be able to reason about the measures to be taken, it becomes necessary to know how to distinguish between the various types of threats and how to act on them.
The areas of intervention of Penetration Tests are manifold and you can find out all about them through our technical consultation.
Phishing Campaigns
ProntoCyber®'s red team know-how in simulating real attack scenarios to prepare users for incidents
The team adopts a customized methodology based on OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual) standards or OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) best practices that ensures appropriate assessment of each criticality
ProntoCyber® is the IT security company that helps you protect your business by making available to you its cyber security experts to help in the event of cyber-attacks and incidents.