Cyber Assessment Services

Combined Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing activities to audit the actual level of cyber security of your business processes.


Cyber Assessment Services

  • Vulnerability Management

  • Penetration Test

  • Phishing Simulation Campaign

Vulnerability Management

Computer Vulnerability Analysis

Generates a list of the most immediately-identifiable computer vulnerabilities then mitigates them by prioritising and structuring corrective actions.

Generates a list of the most immediately-identifiable vulnerabilities then mitigates them by prioritising and structuring corrective actions.

This serves to determine and control the components that comprise an information security management system – only then is it possible to determine what needs to be protected and how.

Complete Mapping of Potential Misconfigurations or Vulnerabilities, Both External and Internal, Within Corporate Networks to Enable Proactive Perimeter Defense and Effectively Maintain Attack Resilience

ProntoCyber® audits your systems

We scan and analyse system vulnerabilities such as low levels of active protection, outdated software and unauthorised devices that may expose your company’s information system to breach risks.

  • Footprint Analysis

    Footprint Analysis

  • Host Mapping

    Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che

  • Network Scan

    Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente

  • Identification

    Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente

  • Vulnerability

    Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente

  • Assessment

    MovimentoLaterale Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente

  • Recommendations

    Qualsiasi accesso, azione o modifica della configurazione di sistema che possa fornire a un avversario una presenza persistente

Dynamic verification of system security

The ProntoCyber® team will analyse security configurations and levels of active protection that may leave your network exposed to external attacks.

Contact us

Penetration Test

Testing the resilience and effectiveness of security measures implemented on exposed applications or services

ProntoCyber® ensures appropriate assessment, validation, and conterstualization of any critical issues that may be present, as measured by the technologies in use and the Client's operational needs

Security vulnerabilities can allow hackers to gain access to IT systems and applications, so it is essential to identify and fix any vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

In order to be able to reason about the measures to be taken, it becomes necessary to know how to distinguish between the various types of threats and how to act on them.

The areas of intervention of Penetration Tests are manifold and you can find out all about them through our technical consultation.

Phishing Campaigns

Phishing Simulation Campaign

ProntoCyber®'s red team know-how in simulating real attack scenarios to prepare users for incidents

Phase 1 - Campaign Proposal
Phase 2 - Target Identification
Phase 3 - Campaign Execution
Phase 4 - Reporting

ProntoCyber® follows OSSTMM and OWASP Methodologies

The team adopts a customized methodology based on OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual) standards or OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) best practices that ensures appropriate assessment of each criticality

Your work and that of your employees is important

ProntoCyber® is the IT security company that helps you protect your business by making available to you its cyber security experts to help in the event of cyber-attacks and incidents.


The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only guarantees regarding PRONTOCYBER® services are those set out in the General Terms and Conditions accompanying these services. Nothing contained herein may be construed as an additional guarantee. PRONTOCYBER® accepts no liability for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

  • The Digital Emergency Response services covered by the Core Subscription are provided in accordance with the relevant Service Description for the established period (initial or renewal) of the Subscription.

  • CY4GATE undertakes to utilise all means at its disposal to resolve security incidents (best effort) in the shortest reasonable time possible without any obligation in terms of outcome.

  • The timing and means of intervention are set out in the General Terms and Conditions, in the Annex on the Core Subscription Service SLAs.

  • Tokens are issued following sign-up (with the number of tokens depending on the type of subscription).

  • The availability of tokens is determined upon the expiry of a predetermined two-week period. If immediate availability is required, a variation in price must be accepted, taking into account the urgency in accordance with the objective criteria established.

  • Cyber Assessment services include a Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing, provided in accordance with the relevant Service Description for the period (initial or renewal) established in the Subscription

  • Cyber Awareness services include Cyber Education and Phishing Campaigns, provided in accordance with the relevant Service Description for the period (initial or renewal) agreed upon in the Subscription.

  • Throughout the duration of the Contract and without prior notice, CY4GATE may perform checks on the valid activation of the Service. Such verifications may also be carried out with the aid of computer programmes.

  • By their very nature, the activities performed by the Company are subject to constant technological and regulatory evolution that necessitate continuous and onerous updating and development activities required to guarantee the correct and complete provision of the Cyber Security Service.

  • In consideration of the foregoing, the Company maintains the right to modify the Fee even beyond the ISTAT Index.


The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for PRONTOCYBER® services are those set forth in the General Terms and Conditions accompanying such services. Nothing herein should be construed as an additional warranty. PRONTOCYBER® disclaims any liability for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

  • The Incident Response Retainer services included in the core subscription are provided in accordance with the relevant Service Description for the agreed period (initial or renewal) of the Subscription.

  • CY4GATE commits to using all available resources to resolve security incidents (best effort) as quickly as reasonably possible without obligation of result.

  • Timing and methods of intervention are outlined in the general conditions, in the attachment related to the SLA of the Core Subscription service.

  • Token release occurs after subscription is signed (the number of tokens depends on the type of subscription).

  • Token availability is established after a predefined period of two weeks. If immediate availability is required, a price adjustment is accepted to account for the urgency, according to established objective criteria.

  • Cyber Assessment Services include Vulnerability Management, Risk Exposure Evaluation, Phishing Simulation Campaign, and Penetration Testing, and are provided in accordance with the relevant Service Description for the agreed period (initial or renewal) of the Subscription.

  • Cyber Awareness services include the Cyber Awareness Program and are provided in accordance with the relevant Service Description for the agreed period (initial or renewal) of the Subscription.

  • During the Contract term and without notice, CY4GATE may conduct checks on the valid activation of the Service. Such checks may also be performed with the assistance of software programs.

  • The activities provided by the Company are subject to constant technological and regulatory evolution, requiring ongoing and costly update and development activities to ensure the correct and complete provision of the Cyber Security Service.

  • As a result, the Company will have the right to adjust the Fee even above the ISTAT index.

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